Post by devon on Mar 7, 2012 18:50:27 GMT -5
Devon had never actually sneaked into a sound room before. It was quiet here. There were plenty of switches along one wall to occupy a hyperactive child full of cupcakes and soda for a whole two minutes. He wondered if anyone had ever tried to just build a room of buttons to push to try and tucker a toddler out. That would be an interesting experiment. Luckily, he was not hyperactive child that needed a serious time out.
He just came here to listen to his music without interruption. His dorm was still not the escape he was hoping for so he still had to find other places to enjoy his silence. Well, in this case, it was his preference in noise. He glanced around, green eyes taking in the equipment. He was a child of technology, born when it was common knowledge to mess with wires and get machines working. He could certainly figure out how to hook his music player up to these machines and get this room into a good grove.
It took a few minutes of fiddling, but he finally found a jack that would work. He grinned, pleased with his accomplishment. Music filtered out through the speakers. He took a seat in a rolling chair, putting his feet up on the command panel. Devon was actually mindful of the controls. He still relaxed, hoping that this peace would last for at least a hour.
"let's get this over with"
Posts: 95
Post by VICTORIA on Mar 7, 2012 20:55:06 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,10,true][atrb=style, background-color: #000000;,true][cs=2] & YOU'RE NOT EVEN HUMAN ` WE LIVE IN A COLD DARK WORLD. WITH VENOM IN IT'S FANGS. A BALL AND CHAIN CHEW MY ARM OFF TO GET AWAY, DON'T FIGHT IT DENY IT. FEELS LIKE A KICK IN THE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - teeth | [atrb=width,240] . a figure moved through the halls simply passing the other students. they didn't even give her a second glance as she passed. the reason being she had shrouded herself in shadows. she didn't want to deal with anyone right now. she had woken up in a bad mood and she just wanted to be left alone. the female growled slightly as she bumped into a student. he looked at the shadow figure and blinked a few times before she vanished into the auditorium. sweet silence. as far as she could tell there wasn't a soul in the place. good. she wanted to take a nap. fiddling with her skirt a bit, she settled in a few of the seats. darkness swarmed around her and she seemed to be sleeping in the shadows. eyes fluttering shut, she drifted off to sleep.
. the female was just about to fall asleep when loud music blasted through the speakers. it jarred her awake and she fell on the ground. what the hell? a low growl came from her and her eyes swirled a dark black. their usual electric blue fading into nothing. whoever played that music was going to pay. pushing herself up off the ground, her blue hair seemed to float around her as she headed toward the sound booth. the darkness of the room seemed to collect around her as wings formed and she floated up to the sound booth and stood in the doorway. the darkness practically leaked into the room as she stood there. "can I help you? is there any reason why you are blasting that music at this hour?" the female's eyes were as black as night and the door frame under her fingers blackened slightly. oh boy was she furious.
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crappy post is crappy >.>
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Post by devon on Mar 7, 2012 21:52:17 GMT -5
The beat of drums was helping Devon to forget about everything. There was nothing but the music at the moment. Even the loud rebellious band that beat at the drums without mercy could put him to sleep. The singer, though clearly upset about something, still had a melodious voice that the red head could sing with. His own voice was nice though he would never know it. He didn't even realized he was singing aloud as his foot bobbed to the beat.
Then the music shifted. The angry pseudo-teens faded to be replaced by something that no one should be angry about. It was Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Devon's head rolled to the side, resting awkwardly on his own shoulder. Classical music was always something he loved. He wished he were able to play it a great deal. He had never been allowed to take music lessons, always told Dalia would be more suited for such things. If either of them were suited for it, it was certainly him with his long fingers.
Maybe there was a music class he could take here, one that would teach him to play such beautifully complex compositions.
Lost in thoughts of notes, cords, and timing, Devon didn't realize the dark force approaching. He jerked violently, feet sliding off the control panel as the rolling chair shifted. Unbalanced, the Naga fell to the floor, grunting in pain. He let out a small growl, twisting to see a blue haired girl stood in the doorway. He glared at her as she snapped at him. I was relaxing, thanks. Few places are suitable for proper musical appreciation, He retorted, slowly pushing himself off the floor and dusting himself off.
With a deep breath, Devon turned to the angry girl, brow raised. What's got such a lovely girl as you in a twist? Such a pretty face shouldn't be angry, He purred, relying on his flirtatious ways to get him out of trouble. He didn't want to end up being a punching bag because someone else put this girl in a violent state. He wasn't against fighting, but he was all for peace and his face remaining in tact.
"let's get this over with"
Posts: 95
Post by VICTORIA on Mar 8, 2012 14:04:52 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,10,true][atrb=style, background-color: #000000;,true][cs=2] & YOU'RE NOT EVEN HUMAN ` WE LIVE IN A COLD DARK WORLD. WITH VENOM IN IT'S FANGS. A BALL AND CHAIN CHEW MY ARM OFF TO GET AWAY, DON'T FIGHT IT DENY IT. FEELS LIKE A KICK IN THE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - teeth | [atrb=width,240] . the female's grip on the doorway tightened and it cracked beneath her fingers. the darkness seemed to spread and leak into the room. light dimming slightly, she loomed in the doorway. she was practically seething with rage. not only had she been having a bad day but this kid just decided to play loud music. not to mention he was a b class if she remembered correctly. an animal like snarl came from her as he fell to the floor. good serves him right. how dare he interrupt her nap. stepping into the room, she let her fingers run over the sound equipment and it darkened beneath them. maybe she should try to control that. eh who cares. let the boy be afraid. turning her attention back to the boy, she moved a little closer to him. the darkness seemed to move behind her and engulf the room. ok so maybe she was over doing it but who cares. she was pissed and this poor kid was going to end up suffering because of it.
. the female opened her mouth to speak but stopped. was he hitting on her? was he seriously hitting on her? she blinked a few times her eyes swirling to their normal electric blue. the darkness remained behind her in a threatening manner. but seriously? she was kind of at a loss for words. here she was threatening his life and he was flirting with her. what kind of idiot was he? that was like trying to kiss a snake. "are you like stupid or something? why would you hit on someone hell bent on kicking the shit out of you? that's like asking for a death sentence." whatever tactic he was trying was probably working. she didn't want to hit him as hard as before but she just thought he was stupid now. blue hair calming down, it laid flat against her and she sighed pulling it back into a ponytail. well so long as he didn't continue being an idiot she wouldn't want to throw him through the wall.
. flexing her fingers a bit, the female let the darkness suck into her nails and the room suddenly seemed brighter. the female adjusted her skirt and shirt lightly. fingers brushing along the scar on her bare stomach, she turned her attention back to the boy. her anger and rage completely forgotten. she didn't even know why she got so worked up in the first place. so what if she was having a bad day. no need to take it out on some random kid that didn't know she was sleeping below in the seats. "look I'm sorry. it's been a rough day and I thought I was alone here and I didn't mean to come storming in like some demon from hell." the female laughed softly at the last part. she was a demon after all, but not exactly from hell. arms crossing in front of her, she studied the kid. he was cute. maybe a little young for her taste, but he was cute nonetheless.
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rambly post
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Post by devon on Mar 9, 2012 21:22:11 GMT -5
Emerald eyes took a quick glance around, eying the lights briefly as the room began to get darker. Well, that was unusual. He knew that it was coming from her but he couldn't remember what kind of beastie could control the dark like that. His gaze returned to hers, noticing her obsidian eyes turned blue. Well, it looked like it was a step up. Her hair was laying flat and her eyes changed colors to something that could be pleasant. He grinned as she sneered at his methods.
Trust me, that's not idiocy. You're hardly hell bent as I'm not bleeding yet. He put a hand on his hip, pleased enough with his logic. He had been on the wrong end of someone hell bent on hurting someone. No amount of logic or trying to persuade himself out of the situation had worked. This, however, was very different because he had done no true wrong to this girl as he didn't even know she had been there. She had little ground to stand on and was clearly not upset enough about it to keep her anger.
Devon was glad that she calmed, the room becoming lighter not only in the actual lighting, but the atmosphere in general. The red head let out a small sigh, breathing a little easier as the blue haired girl pulled back her power. He got an apology as well? Wasn't he lucky? I'm sorry, too. I would have been quieter if I knew you were there, He replied, truly not wanting to have angered her like that.
He stepped a little closer, ready to be polite and offer her a hand. Seeing her closed off posture he nixed that idea. He didn't have to be completely rude though. I'm Devon. He gave her a sly smirk, still playing up the flirtatious angle. If it got him out of trouble, why not stick to your guns? Continuing to be the nice guy, he asked, Is there a way to cheer you up? I can't stand knowing a girl is upset.
"let's get this over with"
Posts: 95
Post by VICTORIA on Mar 10, 2012 13:32:00 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,10,true][atrb=style, background-color: #000000;,true][cs=2] & YOU'RE NOT EVEN HUMAN ` WE LIVE IN A COLD DARK WORLD. WITH VENOM IN IT'S FANGS. A BALL AND CHAIN CHEW MY ARM OFF TO GET AWAY, DON'T FIGHT IT DENY IT. FEELS LIKE A KICK IN THE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - teeth | [atrb=width,240] . a sigh escaped her lips as she watched him. then the music hit her ears now that she wasn't worked up in a blind rage. classical music? very nice. she remembered when she first heard it all those years ago. "you have a nice choice in music, this was one of his finest pieces. my favorite too." the female smiled and leaned against the sound board. the kid was trying to be nice and so would she. just because she was having a rough day didn't mean she had to take it out on him. unlike her brother she didn't just randomly beat down everyone she thought was a good opponent. "but in all honesty don't worry about it. I figured this place was empty especially since valus wasn't here right now. I won't say anything about you tampering with the sound system though." she gave him a sly smile keeping her arms closed in front of her.
. eyes roaming over him, she watched as he stepped forward and she knew he wanted to shake her hand. shrinking back against the wall, she gripped her arms a little tighter. not big on the whole touching thing. "eh sorry I try not to touch people or else this happens." fingers moving to brush along the sound board, it blackened lightly beneath her touch before she pulled away and it disappeared. "the same thing would happen to your hand. and I'm victoria by the way but just call my vikki." vikki gave him a soft smile settling back against the wall. devon huh? she remembered reading a file with the name devon. he was a snake or something. oh right it was a naga. interesting species that came to the school and she didn't know too much about them. perhaps she'd have to do more research. lost in her own thoughts she almost missed his last comment.
. "cheer me up? oh honey I am hardly ever cheered up. but it's just a rough day for me. nothing like skipping out on classes and getting in a few naps." a soft laughter poured from her and ran a hand through her hair. she was lucky that her hair didn't darken every time she touched it. if it did she would be mildly upset, not that she would mind black streaks too much. "so what are you doing in here? other than messing with the controls and jamming to your music." snagging the other chair in the booth, she sat down crossing one leg over the other. fingers moving to lightly adjust her skirt, no need to let him see her undies. but he'd have a nice view of her legs. a small smile came over her as she watched him with glowing blue eyes. if he looked she'd call him on it. black nails shining a bit as they caught light, she leaned back in the chair and crossed her arms over her chest again.
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Post by devon on Mar 11, 2012 23:45:53 GMT -5
Devon grinned as the blue haired girl seemed to calm a bit, even giving his music a chance. It just so happened that the right music was on when she paid attention. I'm glad I did something pleasing. I think classical is very soothing. Such truth. It was why he had multiple composers in his playlist. He was willing to keep the light mood going so he moved to mess with his player. His fingers flitted over the device as he listened to the girl. Some alone time is nice, but what's life without a little trouble? He asked over his shoulder with a small chuckle. If that was his motto then he lived up to it to a t.
He had been through more scrapes than the average kid because he seemed to like danger a little too much. Self-preservation was high on his list, but sometimes it just wasn't high enough. He liked to make deals and they didn't always go his way. That didn't mean he would walk away just like that. He couldn't let someone get away that easily even if it might end in his getting hurt. Even now he was willing to put his own body on the line. If it'll go away, I don't mind. He gave his new friend a wink and finally left his player alone, letting it play only softer music, things that would put someone in a relaxed mood.
Victoria. He always did like that name. There were just some names that had an elegance to them that he found attractive. He wondered if the name fit under the hostility and closed off demeanor. Hardly ever. That means it can happen though, He said, pointing at her briefly, making sure she understood what she herself said. He leaned down, picking up the chair he had fallen out of. That was so the way everyone should meet a pretty girl. He shook his head a little, taking a seat as she did. Being the typical teenage boy, he couldn't help taking brief notice of her bare legs. Devon quickly looked up, emerald eyes going to her bright blue ones.
Looking for somewhere empty, like you, The Naga replied with a small shrug. There really didn't seem to be anywhere he could go that would ensure he was on his own. There was always someone that would show up to interrupt whatever he was doing. What made your day that awful? He asked, curious as to what put her knickers in a twist. The kind of fury he received was not product of a "normal" bad day for a student. He assumed she was a student considering that she was willing to keep his "bad behavior" from teachers' ears.
"let's get this over with"
Posts: 95
Post by VICTORIA on Mar 12, 2012 18:30:43 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,10,true][atrb=style, background-color: #000000;,true][cs=2] & YOU'RE NOT EVEN HUMAN ` WE LIVE IN A COLD DARK WORLD. WITH VENOM IN IT'S FANGS. A BALL AND CHAIN CHEW MY ARM OFF TO GET AWAY, DON'T FIGHT IT DENY IT. FEELS LIKE A KICK IN THE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - teeth | [atrb=width,240] . the bright glow in her eyes seemed to dim lightly. what made her day go so bad? the female's expression seemed to close a little bit more and she leaned back in the chair. "well i have a brother that likes to pick a lot of fights with people and let's just say all his fighting is finally getting back to me." the words were a little harsher than she originally intended, but it was true. word was getting around that she was related to the alexander and everyone wanted a piece. it wasn't like she couldn't handle herself. it was just annoying. if she wasn't around to stop him from fighting, he'd try and battle against whoever he could. fingers dancing along the sound board, she looked down at the floor.
. mind swirling, the black seemed to leak back into her eyes but with a shake of her head it vanished. "so how long have you been going to school here? a year or two? usually people don't stay here for very long." of course she was rambling but what else was she going to say? it wasn't polite of her to ask more about his species and personal life. he was a b class and he probably didn't even know she was an s class. foot bobbing lightly, she fiddled with her boots and a thought came to mind. she heard whispers of a little group of b class students getting together. something like a fight club. there was a meeting she came into but that didn't go over well.
. "have you heard anything about the seven deadly sins?" the question was referring to the name of the group. at least she thought that was what it was called. then again she couldn't really remember it much. eyes focusing on devon, the female wondered if he was involved. maybe he could point her in the right direction. vikki shifted a bit in her seat so she could watch him. the music was a nice touch and it would cover their speech a bit from even the most sensitive of ears. if she wanted too she could encase the room in darkness cutting them off completely but the boy probably wouldn't like that. people usually didn't when it came to being surrounded by darkness.
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awful post is terrible T.T
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