Character creation
Alright so lets run down through the character creation steps
everything you need information wise(except a brain) is here the first is you need to get the phrase hidden within rules (despite the rules being the same on like every site : Don't be an asshole [guess I broke that rule eh?])
really in the first section all I need to do is inform you about the different factions, two of them are racist and one is for both (guess which one will be over populated in no time eh?)
PICK ONE... or make plans to have your character join one through rp, I don't want to see a large section of the site groupless or a crazy psychopathic woman (and yes shes hot all crazy girls are hot don't you know?) to come out of no where and pull you apart bit by bit and experiment with you ( I guess it's cool if your into that sort of thing
which i am) I'm not joking either Kat has threatened us before with it.
Seriously though go read up on the factions and PICK ONE! don't be afraid to try and become the leader of one of the factions or be a high ranking member or whatever
next is your appearance, yes you have to write I don't care how many pictures you have this is a role playing site YOU NEED TO WrITE STOp BEing laZY (seriously fuck my shift key) try to describe appearance as a summary, hieght, build hair color , hair length, what sort of cloths they wear, describe thier face and features. Again this is not rocket science...wait I never said that it was in the first place now did i... well it's not.
Personality and such, OH BOY DO PEOPLE GET STuCK ON thIS!
Likes: list AT LEAST five things it won't hurt you to be creative and add more. Likes are things that your character enjoys whether they be sports, reading or anything else (please don't just put down the opposite gender like boys or girls thats not original and its a cheap way out)
Dislikes are the opposite (I would hope this is obvious) also try and make sure they relate to your character don't just shove bull shit filler in to try and squeeze through.
3+ strengths, these are your characters abilities and things they are good at. such as playing the violin or knitting. Try and be varied, and orignal give your character uniqe things that he or she is good at, don't try to be good at everything because then you are a mary/gary stu and then fuck you you suck no one likes perfect characters this isn't twilight people like to intereact with characters that have depth. (unless they are looking for cyber sex in which case they can GTFO)
Weaknesses, YES you have to have weaknesses and they have to be REAL weaknesses things that always gets your character in a bad spot or is very effective against them, again no bloody mary/gary stu crap.
Overall, Now THIS... .THIS BLOODY SECTION I DON'T EVEN WANT TO GUESS HOW MANY PEOPLE DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THE WORD OVERALL MEANS... think about it a section about likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, could it be?! YES! personality so all you non gary and mary stu's should have no problem filling this out. Give a summary of what your character is like over all, what makes them happy what makes them sad, how they react to things that are their weakness and that they dislike etc, it's really easy!
Now we move onto the background, and remember the older your character the more detailed your background should be!!!
hang on my phones ringing.
be right back here listen to this it should keep you occupied till I return. back, you didn't listen to the full thing... you didn't listen to it at all!? what?!! you didn't like it?!
Okay so history was it? this is easy 3 paragraphs for the lesser races, as for A and up it gets hard, so here are some tips. Try to do a paragraph on early life, time as a child what their parents were like first memories things that happened, then go up a few years to childhood, first friends, first enemies, remember childhood shapes adult hood so important things may happen here. Next we move on to early teen years etc, try to include events that were important to the character, people that mattered and such, goals your character wants to complete and explain the reasons why your character is good at what they are good at and vice versa for what they are bad at.
Role play sample, copy and paste another characters post from another site or write up one from scratch, I don't care fuck don't look to me for all the answers.